Terry Barrett
Lambda-Xi Chapter (Georgia College and State University) ‘88

To Remember

As we celebrate this 4th of July with family and friends, let us remember that our independence and freedom were bought and paid for through the bravery, commitment and sacrifice of the men and women who wear or have worn our country’s military uniforms. These men and women sacrifice a great deal of their personal freedom so that the rest of us can enjoy life with very few restrictions and carry on our daily activities with comfort in knowing that our military is watching over us.

Investment To Freedom

I know the sacrifice firsthand as my daughter is starting her senior year at the United States Air Force Academy and my son is starting his freshman year as an Army ROTC Cadet at University of North Georgia. As a former GM of the Lambda-Xi Chapter, I take great pride in the fact that Kappa Sigma has always supported those who serve or have served in our military and recognize their sacrifice. Let us continue to so.
God bless America.