On March 6th, the Kappa Sigma Fraternity will launch our annual STEPHEN ALONZO JACKSON WEEKEND OF GIVING! Brothers from across North America will join together to make history by raising $500,000 during our 2020 campaign, of which 100% of funds raised will go directly to the donating brother’s home Chapter Scholarship Fund.

SAJ Weekend of Giving is held the weekend adjacent to Stephen Alonzo Jackson Day (March 4th), when we honor the life of one of our greatest brothers, who oversaw Kappa Sigma’s historic expansion and perfected our ritual.

This program and others have allowed the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund to provide nearly $6,000,000 in Kappa Sigma Scholarship-Leadership Awards (SLA) to our brothers. In fact, over 400 undergraduates received SLA cash awards this past year.

At the 72nd Biennial Grand Conclave in Charlottesville, Kappa Sigma established a historic biennium goal to raise $1,000,000 exclusively through SAJ Weekend of Giving. A successful 2020 campaign will help us surpass this goal.

We need your help… As leaders of your undergraduate chapters, you can be part of history by signing up today at SAJgiving.org to be an SAJ Weekend of Giving AMBASSADOR. This exclusive and special group of brothers will help us share the SAJ message via social media and other platforms.

As a reminder, chapters will receive Founders’ Award of Chapter Excellence (FACE) points for their efforts. Each chapter has a goal based upon how many initiated brothers they have:

  • Under 250 initiates: $700
  • 250-500 initiates: $1,400
  • 500-750 initiates: $2,100
  • 750-1000 initiates: $2,800
  • 1,000+ initiates: $3,500 raised

Our 2020 goal of $500,000 is substantially higher than the 2019 record of $400,000. We will need great leadership from our brothers to meet this ambitious goal. Kappa Sigma has always answered the call when a great challenge is before us. Won’t you join us in our pursuit of history? Generations of Kappa Sigma brothers will benefit from your leadership.

Please direct any questions about Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend to KC Meyercord, Director of Alumni Development ([email protected]) or visit SAJgiving.org.