
Hey, nice shades.  You know what would look good with them?  A FREE Kappa Sigma croakie.
The Kappa Sigma store is offering a free croakie with your purchase of $40 or more for the month of July!
Whether you have a habit of losing your glasses or you just want to rep Kappa Sig, the Kappa Sigma store has your choice of thin band straps or wide band straps.
Don’t wait!  This offer ends July 31, 2016, so get them while you still can and remember to use the promo codes!
View all Kappa Sigma apparel and products here.

Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving

The 10th annual Kappa Sigma Fraternity Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving is now live! Brothers from across North America are joining together with family, friends, and others to raise funds for undergraduate scholarships. This weekend,  between February 28th and March 2nd, 100% of your donation will go directly to support and award more Undergraduate scholarships for the Chapter of your choosing.