We are pleased to welcome back the Kappa-Gamma Chapter in Flagstaff, AZ, originally the 185th Chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity!

These 45 new members were installed on Saturday, April 27th, 2019 in Flagstaff, AZ. Worthy Grand Scribe, Burton R. Trembly, and Director of Alumni Development and Events, Kendall Meyercord were in attendance for the installation of the new Chapter, along with District Grand Master, Paul Pavlich.

The members of the Kappa-Gamma Chapter have already completed over 1,500 hours for charitable causes in various local and national organizations and philanthropies; and the members have participated in numerous campus organizations and have established their operations in such a fashion that will build a strong foundation for the future of the Kappa-Gamma Chapter, and is a great representation of the core values of Kappa Sigma.

Proud Kappa-Gamma Alumni take pictures of the newly installed Chapter.

Special thanks to the following Chapters for assisting with the installation Delta-Zeta – University of New Mexico, Theta-Zeta – Eastern New Mexico University, Rho – University of Arizona, Kappa-Alpha – University of Nevada, Las Vegas,  and the Alumni Volunteers in the Desert Southwest District. Congratulations to the brothers of the newly reinstalled Chapter and welcome to the Order!