Kappa Sigma Fraternity has broken a new record by having its most successful Military Heroes Month ever, raising more than $124,100, almost twice as much as previous campaigns.

Military Heroes Month was established by Kappa Sigma to honor military veterans and active-duty service members in the United States and Canada, and the campaign coincides with observances of Veterans Day and Remembrance Day each November. Chapters of Kappa Sigma are encouraged to have events and raise both awareness and funds for the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign. This year’s events raised $124,100 for the Military Heroes Campaign between November 1st and Giving Tuesday on November 30th.

“As a veteran myself, I am extremely proud of what the Military Heroes Campaign does to support the brave men and women, and their families, who have chosen to serve us all through their devotion to duty and personal sacrifice. Kappa Sigma is honored to be able to work with our charitable partners to give back to those who have given so much,” said Worthy Grand Treasurer Martin C. Petersen (Rho, Arizona State University, ’66). Brother Petersen is a proud veteran who served in the US Army in Vietnam, and then joined the Central Intelligence Agency where he served for over 33 years before retiring as the Agency’s Deputy Executive Director and Acting Executive Director.

The Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign was launched in 2007. Its mission then and now remains to give back to those who serve our country. The Military Heroes Campaign is primarily funded by Kappa Sigma undergraduate chapters and their alumni through their philanthropic fundraising efforts. The funds are aggregated through the national campaign so that significant donations can be made to charities verified to be 100% veteran-focused. As a result, 100% of funds generated by the Military Heroes Campaign go to support veterans. Last biennium, more than $500,000 was distributed to veterans charities through the Military Heroes Campaign.