The brothers of Mu-Gamma at Texas A&M have taken a stand against distracted driving as they continue to bring awareness to the community through their Brothers Against Distracted Driving program. Distracted driving can be very dangerous and the Mu-Gamma brothers have been raising awareness and providing education around safe driving.
The initiative was spearheaded by Grand Master (Chapter President) Max Gerall with an Easter egg hunt, and has led to several other events including the brothers raising $10,000 to put on a concert with the Josh Abbott Band.
“I had close family friends involved in a car accident resulting from distracted driving,” Gerall said. “We had several other fraternity members who also lost family or friends in distracted driving crashes.”
Max believes it has driven a change in the chapter and on campus to be more aware while driving, and said “this effort can make such a difference, and potentially save a life.”
Big names in the community that have been affected by distracted driving have also come forward to show their support.
Leadership is one of the four pillars of Kappa Sigma. Brothers learn to get involved in their communities and take the lead when something needs to be done. Countless Brothers, including Senators, Governors and CEOs, have said Kappa Sigma gave them the leadership skills they needed to succeed.
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