Last Saturday the Epsilon-Zeta Chapter of Kappa Sigma at the University of Connecticut raised $11,500 for the Military Heroes Campaign. The Chapter held their third annual Military Heroes Bowl, which is a 7 on 7 flag football tournament. The event, which drew in over 300 participants and nearly as many spectators, was an overwhelming success and included both a men’s and a women’s bracket. The Epsilon-Zeta brothers more than surpassed their original goal of raising $1,000 for military veterans and their families.
Logan Bement, the Epsilon-Zeta Philanthropy Chair, summarized the success of the event by saying, “thanks to the overwhelming support from the UConn community and Kappa Sigma alumni brothers, we were able to surpass our goal in a major way.
Brother Bement went on to say “the money raised will go to an incredible cause that has touched many of our brothers personally. Quite a few Kappa Sigma’s from UConn have served our country in a variety of ways, both domestically and overseas, so this was the least we could do to give back to those who have given so much to us.”
All proceeds from the event will aid military veterans and their families.
Created in 2007, the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign honors and aids thousands of military veterans and their families in communities throughout the U.S. and Canada. Since its inception, the campaign has donated nearly $500,000 to non-profit organizations who advocate on behalf of servicemen and women and those wounded in combat.
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