
This Febuary, the Kappa Sigma Fraternity is celebrating Black History Month. This special time of the year first began as Negro History Week in 1926 to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. In 1970, the first Black History Month was celebrated at Kent State University and beginning in 1976, February has been recognized by the President of the United States as “National African American History Month”, or more commonly referred to today as “Black History Month.”

Since its founding in 1869 at the University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma has evolved over its 153 years in making better men, which in return, has made a better Order.  

In the midst of the Civil Rights Movement, Kappa Sigma took a stance ensuring Brothers of all races and backgrounds could become members of the Order during the 41st Conclave in 1957 in Miami Beach, Florida.

Since then, Kappa Sigma has been honored to have Black Brothers and Leaders moving the world forward from fields such as athletics and politics to media and business. We celebrate our Black Brothers holding leadership roles at all levels within the Fraternity from our Undergraduate Brothers which we hope stay connected and become Alumni Volunteers.

We celebrate, honor, and thank our Brothers for their work and service, recognizing the significant impacts that they have on making better men. 
