Kappa Sigma is proud to announce the Supreme Executive Committee has voted to establish the Phi-Epsilon Chapter at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, and this past Saturday, February 10, 2024, they were installed, claiming their position as our 439th Chapter. On April 27, 2023, the Ohio University Colony was kicked off, and over the last year and a half have worked hard to achieve their Chapter. To achieve their charter, just this year, the 81 men of Phi-Epsilon donated nearly 3,000 hours of community service, $5,000 to charitable causes, and completed multiple workshops over the Code of Conduct, Champion Quest, and time management.

These Brothers were joined by Worthy Grand Scribe Daniel J. Tierney (Theta-Nu, ’99), Nicholas M. Hauck (Alpha-Iota, ’15),  and Ritualist Jordan M. Valenti (Kappa-Rho, ’10) representing the Fraternity. District Grand Master George L. Dickson (Theta-Omicron, ’89) and ADGM Adam R. Scherman (Tau-Mu, ’17) represented the Southeast Ohio District. 

Thank you to all the volunteers and alumni who helped make this installation special, including District Grand Masters Wesley C. Bren (Theta-Upsilon, ’85), and Jonah P. Hartswick (Epsilon-Rho, ’13). 

We would also like to thank the Brothers of the following Chapters who attended the Installation as ritual teams:

Epsilon-Eta – Bowling Green State University

Epsilon-Rho – Kent State University

Nu-Psi – University of Cincinnati 

Theta-Omicron – Muskingum University

Theta-Upsilon – Miami University 

Tau-Mu – Capital University

Tau-Nu – Marshall University 

Brothers everywhere wish Phi-Epsilon the best as they begin their road to excellence and offer our congratulations!