Kappa Sigma Fraternity announced today that the 2021 results of its Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign resulted in more than $240,000 in donations to veterans charities in the United States and Canada.

Kappa Sigma Fraternity’s international board of directors and the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund recently announced the following direct donations from the Military Heroes Campaign to partner organizations:

  • $65,000 to the SEAL Legacy Foundation. Founded in 2011, SEAL Legacy Foundation is dedicated to providing support to families of wounded and fallen United States Navy SEALs. This active group offers support through educational assistance for SEALs and their families and other charitable causes benefitting the SEAL Community. SEAL Legacy Foundation is based in Austin, TX. seallegacy.org
  • $35,000 to Homes for Our Troops. Homes for Our Troops builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 veterans to enable them to rebuild their lives. Most of these veterans have sustained injuries including limb amputations, paralysis, and severe traumatic brain injury. Homes for Our Troops is based in Taunton, MA. hfotusa.org
  • $30,000 to Veterans Moving Forward. Veterans Moving Forward provides service dogs and canine therapy services to veterans with physical and mental health challenges. Veterans Moving Forward is based in Dulles, VA. vetsfwd.org
  • $30,000 to Veteran Success Resource Group. The Veteran Success Resource Group is dedicated to providing professional and personal resources to veterans and their families. They do this by organizing various expos that provide a range of resources from educational institutions, businesses, corporate hiring partners, and other organizations. Veteran Success Resource Group is based in Virginia. bourbiz.com
  • $24,000 to Warriors and Quiet Waters Foundation. Through the experience of fly fishing in Montana, Warriors & Quiet Waters is a catalyst for positive change in the lives of post-9/11 combat veterans by helping successful reintegration into society post-trauma. Warriors and Quiet Waters Foundation is based in Bozeman, MT. www.warriorsandquietwaters.org
  • $20,000 to the Catch a Lift Fund. The Catch A Lift Fund enables post 9/11 combat wounded veterans all over the U.S. to recover and rehabilitate both physically and mentally through physical fitness, motivation, and support. The Catch a Lift Fund is based in Timonium, MD. catchaliftfund.org
  • $10,000 to Minority Veterans of America. Minority Veterans of America (MinorityVets) is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization designed to create belonging and advance equity for underrepresented veterans. MinorityVets aims to transform the narrative of the American veteran by building an interconnected community, fostering greater understanding of their memberships’ identities, and serving minority veterans through the development of targeted programming and advocacy. MinorityVets is based in Seattle, WA. with chapters in Richmond, VA., and Atlanta, GA. minorityvets.org

In addition to these listed beneficiaries in the United States, Kappa Sigma Chapters in Canada are encouraged to donate funds raised for the Military Heroes Campaign directly to True Patriot Love, the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign’s official Canadian beneficiary. True Patriot Love is a national charity that supports military families, funds community-based programs, and contributes to the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research. True Patriot Love is based in Toronto.  www.truepatriotlove.com

Including direct donations from Kappa Sigma undergraduate chapters, the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign raised $241,329 for veterans charities in the United States and Canada during the 2020-2021 academic year.

 The Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign was launched in 2007. It’s mission then and now remains to give back to those who serve our country. The Military Heroes Campaign is primarily funded by Kappa Sigma undergraduate chapters and their alumni through their philanthropic fundraising efforts. The funds are aggregated through the national campaign so that significant donations can be made to charities verified to be 100% veteran-focused. As a result, 100% of funds generated by the Military Heroes Campaign go to support veterans.

Anyone who wishes to donate to the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign can make donations online at www.MilitaryHeroesCampaign.org.