
One of the biggest parts of being a brother is learning the ritual of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. From the pledging process to initiation, brothers draw from the time honored ceremonies that every Kappa Sigma brother goes through. This brother took this to heart when he began his journey to becoming a Master of the Ritual.
A Master of the Ritual has earned all six Ritual Proficiency Certificates. While each certificate varies in difficulty, it is no easy task, and shows the dedication a brother has to Kappa Sigma.
Congratulations to this brother for his dedication to the ritual of Kappa Sigma. He became a Master of the Ritual during August 2016.

Name Chapter University
Robert Monfort Xi-Iota Columbus State University

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Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving

The 10th annual Kappa Sigma Fraternity Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving is now live! Brothers from across North America are joining together with family, friends, and others to raise funds for undergraduate scholarships. This weekend,  between February 28th and March 2nd, 100% of your donation will go directly to support and award more Undergraduate scholarships for the Chapter of your choosing.