Kappa Sigma is proud to announce the Supreme Executive Committee has voted to recharter the Gamma-Upsilon Chapter at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, and this past Saturday, April 15th 2023, these men were initiated, and their charter was installed.  On November 4, 2022, the Gamma-Upsilon Colony was kicked off, rekindling their 100+ year history. To achieve their charter the 61 men of Gamma-Upsilon donated over 2,085 hours of community service, and completed multiple workshops over the Code of Conduct, Champion Quest, and time management.

These Brothers were joined by Worthy Grand Scribe Daniel Tierney (Theta-Nu ’99), and Director of Events and Donor Engagement Kyle Somers (Xi-Rho ’17)  representing the Fraternity. Their DGM Brandon Leung (Gamma-Upsilon ’11), ADGMs Joseph Isola (Xi-Rho ’12) and Michael Zarnowski (Upsilon-Kappa ’18), Alumni Advisor Brandon Kowalczyk (Nu-Iota ’19), Phi-Alpha Alumni Advisor Alexander Del Vecchio (Sigma-Psi ’15) and Ritualist James DelRocini (Xi-Rho ’15).

Thank you to all the volunteers and alumni who helped make this installation special. 

We would also like to thank the Brothers of the following Chapters who attended the Installation as ritual teams:

Upsilon-Kappa – West Long Branch, New Jersey
Nu-Iota – Rowan University
Rho-Sigma – St. John’s University-Staten Island
Xi-Rho – Stockton University 
Phi-Alpha – Ewing Township NJ
Tau-Omega – Montclair State University

Brothers everywhere wish Gamma-Upsilon the best as they begin their road to excellence and offer our congratulations!