Kappa Sigma is proud to announce the Supreme Executive Committee has voted to reestablish the Omicron-Eta Chapter at Nova Southeastern University, and this past Saturday, April 27, 2024, they were installed, reclaiming their position as our 299th Chapter. On September 20, 2023, the Omicron-Eta Colony was kicked off, and over the last year has worked hard to achieve their Chapter. To achieve their charter, just this year, the 35 men of Omicron-Eta donated over 6,700 hours of community service, over $2,300 to charitable causes, and completed multiple workshops over the Code of Conduct, Champion Quest, and time management.

These Brothers were joined by Worthy Grand Scribe Daniel J. Tierney (Theta-Nu, ’99), Director of Recruitment Nicholas M. Hauck (Alpha-Iota, ’15), and Ritual Commission member R. Kyle Somers (Xi-Rho, ’17) representing the Fraternity. 

Representing the District was District Grand Robert A. DeClercq (Delta-Psi, ’96). Thank you to all the Alumni Brothers who attended and helped on a ritual team. 

We would also like to thank the Brothers of the following Chapters who attended the Installation as ritual teams:

Lambda-Epsilon – University of Central Florida
Upsilon-Iota – Boca Raton, Florida

Brothers everywhere wish Omicron-Eta the best as they begin their road to excellence and offer our congratulations!