
Supreme Executive Committee

The Supreme Executive Committee is the highest elected officers of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. The Supreme Executive Committee, or SEC, is the governing body of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and the Brothers who serve in these offices are elected at the Fraternity’s Biennial Grand Conclave. The SEC is comprised of the offices of Worthy Grand Master, Worthy Grand Procurator, Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies, Worthy Grand Scribe, and Worthy Grand Treasurer.

Burton R. Trembly

Burton R. Trembly

Worthy Grand Master

Theta-Zeta, Eastern New Mexico University, 1998
Las Vegas, Nevada

Adam T. Poe

Adam T. Poe

Worthy Grand Procurator

Kappa-Mu, Tennessee Technological University, 2006
Cookeville, Tennessee

Isaac E. Lipscomb

Isaac E. Lipscomb

Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies

Omicron-Zeta, The University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, 2010

Daniel J. Tierney

Daniel J. Tierney

Worthy Grand Scribe

Theta-Nu, Ashland University, 1999
Columbus, Ohio

Lionel L. de la Houssaye, Jr.

Lionel L. de la Houssaye, Jr.

Worthy Grand Treasurer

Theta-Rho, McNeese State University, 1983


Jody L. Bailey

Jody L. Bailey

Champion Quest

Theta-Zeta, Eastern New Mexico University, 1987

Brandon Y. Leung

Brandon Y. Leung


Gamma-Upsilon, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2011

Cory M. Sims

Cory M. Sims


Gamma-Omicron, University of Kansas, ’04

William P. Lynch

William P. Lynch


Pi-Eta, Missouri Southern State University, 2008

Nicholas E. Snowberger

Nicholas E. Snowberger

A Greater Cause

Theta-Zeta, Eastern New Mexico University, 2001

William Wang

William Wang

Colony Development

Sigma-Upsilon, University of California, Riverside, 2018

Philip J. Hetu

Philip J. Hetu


Nu-Epsilon, New Mexico State University, 2003

Jordan M. Valenti

Jordan M. Valenti


Kappa-Rho, Boise State University, 2010

Christopher P. Suttmeier

Christopher P. Suttmeier


Tau-Chi, Fairleigh Dickinson University,


Executive Vice-President and Chief Administrative Officer

Chad Gebhardt

Chad Gebhardt

Executive Vice-President and Chief Administrative Officer

Theta-Zeta, Eastern New Mexico University, 1992

[email protected]

The Executive Vice-President and Chief Administrative Officer oversees the implementation of the strategic plan established by the Supreme Executive Committee along with the administrative operations of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, its staff and International Headquarters.  

He is the primary contact for:

  • Admin Items for SEC
  • Financial Operations for Fraternity
  • Financial Operations for Endowment Fund
  • House Corporations
  • Liability Coverage Program
  • Licensing Kappa Sigma Products
  • Staff and Headquarters Operations
  • Alumni Chapters And Associations

Brother Chad R. Gebhardt has served on the Kappa Sigma Fraternity staff since 1996.

Vice-President External Affairs

Leo J. Brown, IV

Leo J. Brown, IV

Vice-President External Affairs

Theta-Theta, Western Kentucky University, 2004

[email protected]

The Vice-President of External Affairs works closely with our interfraternal partners, colleges and universities and represents Kappa Sigma Fraternity in all external business affairs of the international organization. In addition, he oversees overall membership trends and works directly with Colleges and Universities as liaison to establish new Kappa Sigma Fraternity colonies through grassroot member cultivation.

He is the primary contact for:

  • Chapter Operations Support
  • All Chapter and Member Conduct Reporting
  • Chapter Discipline
  • Member discipline including Suspensions, Expulsions & Resignations
  • Interfraternity Relations
  • University Relations

Brother Leo J. Brown, IV has served on the Kappa Sigma Fraternity staff since 2009.