On February 29, 2020, with the approval of the Supreme Executive Committee, the Delta-Eta Chapter conducted a special initiation for Luke Zamperini, the son of Louis S. Zamperini (Delta-Eta, University of Southern California, ’46).
Luke and his wife Lisa run The Louis Zamperini Foundation, helping young people overcome their obstacles and challenges, just like his father did. He is also the Chief Inspector and Public Information Officer for the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. He specializes in employee training and disaster preparedness.

Luke (pictured on the right) continues to carry on his father’s legacy. Louis Zamperini was an Olympic athlete, a World War II veteran, and is one of the most well-known prisoners of war in American history. Brother Zamperini was a prisoner of war for more than two years, during which time he was beaten and tortured in prison camps. Brother Zamperini was the inspiration for Lauren Hillenbrand’s book, “Unbroken,” which was adapted into a film.

Kappa Sigma awarded the Golden Heart Award to Brother Zamperini at the 68th Grand Conclave in 2011 for courage and bravery throughout life. He joined the Chapter Celestial in 2014.
We now welcome a new Zamperini to the Order. Semper and A.E.K.D.B.
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