One of the most important commissions in Kappa Sigma Fraternity is the Legal Commission, now headed by Commissioner William P. Lynch (Pi-Eta, Missouri Southern State University, ’08).  Brother Lynch joined us to discuss some quick questions on his role in the Order.

What is your professional title and employer outside of the Order?

“Prosecuting Attorney—Newton County, Missouri.”

What is your favorite Kappa Sigma event you attended? 

“My favorite Kappa Sigma event is always our Champions Weekend. It gives Brothers that have performed at a very high level the opportunity to visit our beautiful home in Charlottesville and fully immerse themselves into Kappa Sigma’s history.”

Why do you volunteer for Kappa Sigma? 

“I volunteer for Kappa Sigma because I feel a deep debt for what the Fraternity has done for me and the positive impact it has had on my life. It’s a debt that I’ll never be able to fully repay, but I will work my hardest to ensure as many young men have the opportunities and experiences that I have had.”

What’s the best advice for Kappa Sigma Chapters that you can give? 

“For Kappa Sigma Chapters, my best advice to you is to get used to a little pressure and even welcome the pressure. Complacency is the enemy of success, so if you’re not pushing yourself, your Brothers, and your Chapter to improve, you are failing. Kappa Sigma contains a roadmap for life and it even has a structure to encourage that push to become successful. Learn to love a little pressure from the volunteer alumni. This will prepare you for what you’ll face after college and will make you a better leader.”

Thank you, Brother Lynch, and good luck! AEKΔB!