Brother Christopher P. Suttmeier (Tau-Chi, Fairleigh Dickinson University, ‘16) serves as our Volunteer Commissioner for the 2021 – 2023 biennium. In this role, he is charged with growing the largest alumni volunteer corps within the fraternal world. Brother Suttmeier joined us for a brief Q&A about his time in the Fraternity. 

What is your professional title and employer outside of the Order?

“MFS Investment Management, Internal Sales Representative.”

What is your favorite Kappa Sigma event you attended?

“The first Champions Weekend that I attended in 2016 as an undergrad.”

Why do you volunteer for Kappa Sigma?

“Our undergraduates. They are the driving force for why I do what I do. The ability to impact the lives of young people and mentor them into Kappa Sigma & eventual professional success is what makes this enjoyable. The undergraduates are the lifeblood of our Fraternity—their success is our success.”

What’s the best advice for Kappa Sigma Chapters that you can give?

“Be diligent and thoughtful with everything you do. What you’ll remember about your college experience is the time you spend with your brothers and the impact you had on each other, the impact you had on the community, and the impact you had on your campus. Make those times worthwhile and take every opportunity that you can to enhance that experience by using the fraternity as your launching off point.”

Thank you, Brother Suttmeier! We appreciate your dedication to finding outstanding volunteers for all of our chapters and colonies across North America! AEKΔB!