The Undergraduate Advisory Committee (UAC) serves a critical function within the Fraternity by ensuring that undergraduate viewpoints are presented to the Supreme Executive Committee and that undergraduates’ voices are heard directly.  Each member of the UAC is elected to a 1-year term by the chapters in his area. This past July, at the 73rd Biennial Grand Conclave, the Brothers of Area 5 elected Brother Bradley R. Bailey (Upsilon-Delta, Cheney, Washington, 2019) to represent them on the UAC. He kindly joined us for an introductory interview.

What is your hometown?
My home town is Clarkson, Washington

What are you studying in school?

I’m majoring in Business Administration with a minor in Economics

What leadership positions within your chapter have you held?
I am the past GM at the Upsilon-Delta Chapter in Cheney, Washington.

What other organizations are you involved in on campus?

“I am currently a Blue & Gold Peer leader, and an SGA Representative”

What’s the best advice for Kappa Sigma Chapters that you can give? 

Make the most out of your time as an undergrad. Our brotherhood is strong and there are many opportunities ahead of us. Work hard, know you’re priorities and develop strong relationships with your brothers, for it will last a lifetime!

Thank you for your leadership Brother Bailey. We know that the undergraduate Brothers in Area 5 are well represented this year! AEKΔB!