
Stone A. Eckenrode (Mu-Zeta, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, ’18)


Pittsburgh, PA


Business Administration concentrations in Finance and Marketing: Professional Selling

Chapter Leadership Positions:

Guard Spring 2019
Grand Scribe Fall 2019
Grand Master Spring 2020 – Present (taking a second term for 2021)

Campus Leadership Positions and Organizations:

Student Government Association
Fraternity and Sorority Life Senator (Present)
Community Task Force – Founder and President (Present)
Order of Omega (Honors Society)

Best Advice for Kappa Sigma Chapters:

The Chapter performs better when communication and time management are priorities for the Executive Committee. Excellent communication eliminates confusion, and when you understand how to manage time, it’s much easier to reach your goals.

Enjoy every second that life and Kappa Sigma bring to you, and be thankful for all the opportunities you may receive. These four or so years are your time to prove to yourself, friends, and family that you are successful, so go through each semester, making it better than the last.