Our Programs

Champion Quest

A results-driven recruitment initiative, Champion Quest provides training and motivation to dramatically increase the number of quality men added to the membership rolls of Kappa Sigma each year.

Stephen Alonzo Jackson was initiated into Kappa Sigma in 1872, and would go on to transform a struggling local fraternity into a strong international Brotherhood. The success of the Order has been the direct result of Jackson’s devotion “to make Kappa Sigma the leading college fraternity of the world.”

The Fraternity just completed a decade of dominance in recruitment, and will continue to lead as the largest college fraternity in the world.

Brothers In Action

Brothers In Action (BIA) is a character and competence based program designed to teach fraternal values applicable to academic, chapter, and career goals through experiential learning and chapter-supported programming. BIA provides a blueprint for chapters to follow as they provide personal development programming for members. Chapters provide education about chapter operations, workshops and activities that develop essential career skills, and brotherhood activities focusing on deepening the bonds between our members.

Beginning with the Brothers In Action for Pledges program, Kappa Sigma provides opportunities for personal growth and development that guides members not only during their college careers, but throughout life.

A Greater Cause

Kappa Sigma is committed to making a difference in the lives of others. It is this commitment that has provided the inspiration and vision for A Greater Cause – the Fraternity’s bold initiative to promote volunteerism, citizenship and service to the community. During the 2015-2017 biennium, Kappa Sigma members raised more than $6.7 million for charity and volunteered over 1.4 million hours of community service as part of the initiative.

Military Heroes

Created in 2007, the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign honors and aids thousands of military veterans and their families in communities throughout the U.S. and Canada. Since its inception, the campaign has donated over $1.8 million dollars to non-profit organizations who advocate on behalf of servicemen and women and those wounded in combat.