
There are numerous benefits to joining a college fraternity or sorority, some of which are immediate, and some that are more apparent later in life, as shown in a recent Gallup-Purdue Index study of 30,000 U.S. college graduates of all ages and backgrounds.
The study found that members of fraternities and sororities are generally happier than those who did not join Greek organizations in college. The research also found that Greeks are less stressed about money, have more supportive social lives and are in better physical health.
“This isn’t surprising and confirms what we as Kappa Sigmas already knew; that Greek organizations, and especially Kappa Sigma, make a difference in the lives of members,” said Worthy Grand Master Hugh M. Robert. “Our mission is to build better men by focusing on scholarship, leadership, and service…and this is further proof that we are doing just that.”
In examining the report further, it was found that 37% of Greeks strongly agreed that their institution prepared them for post-college life, whereas only 27% of non-Greeks strongly agreed. This also leads to Greek’s having higher engagement and success in their careers.
The poll identified five elements of a person’s well-being, including purpose, social, financial, community and physical, and found that fraternity and sorority members are more likely to be thriving in all five than all other college graduates.
“I meet Kappa Sigmas every day who have their own stories that exemplify these findings,” said WGM Robert. “Our Fraternity continues to grow and break new records each year because young men see the value that the Kappa Sigma experience can have on their lives.”
Download Gallup’s full fraternity and sorority research report by clicking here.
News Coverage of the Findings: 

Gallup Press Conference: