“The pen is mightier than the sword” is an adage often used to describe the invaluable work of heralds and scribes of the ancient world as they shaped a narrative of the world and have provided us an insight. The Kappa Sigma Fraternity’s Worthy Grand Scribe (WGS) serves a similarly critical role. However, this brother’s duties extend beyond the recording and preservation of the work of the Order to guiding our chapter and volunteer reporting systems and overseeing the internal and external communications strategy. 

Brother Daniel J. Tierney (Theta-Nu, Ashland University, ‘99) was elected by the 73rd Biennial Grand Conclave in Nashville, TN to serve as our WGS for the 2021-2023 biennium. Since his initiation into our Order more than 20 years ago, Brother Tierney has held numerous leadership positions that have helped prepare him for his new role as our WGS including two terms as his chapter’s Grand Scribe, many years as a District Grand Master, and two years as our Communications Commissioner.  Professionally, Brother Tierney serves as the Press Secretary for Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and is the Governor’s chief spokesman while also working to keep all Ohioans informed of their government’s activities. 

Brother Tierney has attended and organized a number of Kappa Sigma events over the years. When prompted about his most memorable event since his initiation, Brother Tierney tells us: “Everyone remembers their first Grand Conclave; mine was 2001 at The Peabody in Memphis, TN, but I would venture to say my favorite Kappa Sigma event was the first Great Lakes Conclave in 2014 in Indianapolis held, fittingly for Kappa Sigma, at the NCAA Hall of Champions. The event, which I was proud to co-found, has grown into one of Kappa Sigma’s largest and best run multi-district conclaves in Kappa Sigma.”

Brother Tierney is a model volunteer; driven to serve the Order through his devotion to the fraternity and its four pillars: Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. “Kappa Sigma and our Brotherhood made a major impact in my life,” says Brother Tierney. “So, when Kappa Sigma asks for my time, talent, and treasures, I always feel compelled to give back. I want to help Jackson’s dream be achieved so no matter where my sons want to go to college, a Kappa Sigma Chapter will be there.”

Brother Tierney enjoys interacting with our undergraduate brothers and is often asked to share a pearl of wisdom. While this brother’s professional and Fraternity experiences are vast, his advice spans both and resonates with brothers and pledges alike. “Act with a sense of urgency. Your time as an undergraduate is finite, and your term as an officer is short in tenure,” urges Brother Tierney. “If you delay, you may not have the time to make a difference for your Chapter. If it is worth doing, it is worth doing now!”

Thank you, Brother Tierney, for your continued dedication and service to our Order, and congratulations on your election to serve as our WGS! AEKDB