Kappa Sigma proudly welcomed Sigma-Omega to the roll of chapters on Saturday, April 5, 2014. Sigma-Omega is the 386th chapter to be chartered by Kappa Sigma and is located in Santa Clara, Cali. Ritual teams from the Theta-Iota (San Jose State), Rho-Kappa (CSU-Moterey Bay) and Pi-Upsilon (Academy of Art University) chapters initiated 53 men, with another five to be initiated later in the week and one initiate from another chapter already on the roster. The chapter included two legacies: Brother Eric M. Turnquist who is the son of Donald E. Turnquist (Alpha-Gamma, Univesity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ’55), and Brother William A. “Billy” Woitte who is the  brother of Austin M. Woitte (Theta-Iota, San Jose State, ’12). Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies Toby H. Taylor (Epsilon-Phi, Lambuth University, ’95) keynoted the installation banquet. The chapter is led by GM Kyle Schulz with Brother Joseph L. Ceccotti (Theta-Iota, San Jose State, ’06), who was announced as an honorary initiated of the Sigma-Omega Chapter, serving as alumnus advisor and Brother Jeffrey M. Munowitch serving as District Grand Master of the Bay Area/Pacific Coast.
Letters of congratulations may be sent to:
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Sigma-Omega Chapter
Kyle Schulz
Grand Master
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95050-4345