Start a Chapter

The Colony Development Program spells out specifically the process which you and the members of the colony will need to employ in order to become a chapter. Much flexibility has been purposely included into the program, as we realize that it is important to you, as the founding father of the colony, that you have the creative ability to work with your pledge brothers in creating the type of programs and experiences YOU want to bring to your campus. Successfully completing the colony development program results in the receipt of a charter to operate as a Kappa Sigma chapter, and is an accomplishment to celebrate!

Founding Fathers


Starting a new fraternity chapter is an exciting and rewarding experience. Being a Founding Father of a Kappa Sigma chapter, while requiring a significant amount of dedication and time, also affords you the opportunity to start a great tradition of excellence on your campus. It is an opportunity that allows you to establish the foundation of what has the potential to be a great fraternal experience, both for yourself and for the hundreds of men who will join the chapter long after you have graduated.

Always having something to come back to once you graduate, having your name on the charter, and having the opportunity to start your own traditions and programs, are some of the most common reasons why hundreds of students each year choose to establish a Kappa Sigma chapter.



Kappa Sigma prides itself on its commitment to our Four Pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Service. Further, we are strictly a non-hazing fraternity and have a zero-tolerance hazing policy.

Bringing Kappa Sigma to your campus will allow you the chance to develop an organization committed to these values, focusing on the principles that will make a strong fraternity chapter.

Once a Kappa Sigma colony is established on your campus, local alumni and representatives from our headquarters will work with the members of the colony, as you go about completing our Colony Development Program.


We will establish and develop successful Colonies based on the following four principles:


Our goal is to create an organization that sets a standard for brotherhood. We will draw on the diversity of our new members’ experiences, viewpoints, and ideas to cultivate an organizational culture in which each of the new members takes pride, ownership, and responsibility for the development of brotherhood, fellowship, and mutual respect.


Our goal is to recruit current and potential leaders on campus. We have a goal to further develop and cultivate the students’ leadership skills, specifically in the areas of operational management, ethical decision making, master-planning, and teamwork development.


Our goal is to recruit men who understand the value of a solid education and who are committed to creating a fraternity experience which will complement their undergraduate academic experience. We will create an environment where academic excellence is the expectation.


Our goal is to recruit men who are interested in giving back to their community, both collectively and as a group. We will recruit men who are committed to going “above and beyond” what is expected of them in the area of service, asking them to draw upon their own creativity and passion for philanthropy.

“Refounding the Omikron Chapter is an accomplishment and learning experience that I will value for the rest of my life. I matured greatly during the process, becoming a better man, and increasing my leadership skills.”
-Noah Griffin (Omikron, Emory & Henry College, ’18)
“Knowing that I was able to band together with my closest friends to bring back a home and culture of winning for long-gone alumni, as well as cement my own legacy at Wyoming is something that I carry with me every day and gives me great pride.”
                                                                   -Mark Gigliotti (Delta-Gamma, University of Wyoming, ’18)
“The decision to become a founding father of Kappa Sigma was the best decision of my life. It completely changed my college experience for the better and I’m continuing to reap the benefits now multiple years after I graduated.”
                                          – Matthew Bishop (Upsilon-Omicron, West Haven, Connecticut, ’19)