Brother Russel L. Weiner: Celebrating A Legacy

Brother Russel L. Weiner: Celebrating A Legacy

Brother Russel L. Wiener Brother Russel L. Wiener joined the Chapter Celestial on April 1, 2015. Brother Wiener would have celebrated his 95th birthday on April 13. Brother Wiener was a 1939 initiate of the Phi Chapter at Rhodes College and served the Fraternity in...
Kappa Sigma Remembers 9/11 on 12th Anniversary

Kappa Sigma Remembers 9/11 on 12th Anniversary

Twelve years have passed since terrorists attacked the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001, but the images of that fateful day are still engrained in the memories of all who witnessed it. Many lost loved ones on 9/11, and continue to lose them as the country fights terrorism...