Perhaps the only position on the Supreme Executive Committee (SEC) that’s not self-explanatory, is the Worthy Grand Master of Ceremonies (WGMC). Within a chapter, the responsibilities of the Grand Master of Ceremonies (GMC) revolve around growing our Order through...
The Worthy Grand Procurator (WGP) is charged with upholding the ideals of the Star and Crescent and the standards of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity among all members: pledges, undergraduates, and alumni. Brother Burton R. Trembly (Theta-Zeta, Eastern New Mexico...
The 2021 – 2023 biennium promises to be a record-setting period for the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, thanks in large part to our newly elected Worthy Grand Master (WGM). Brother Adam J. Merillat (Epsilon-Mu, University of Tulsa, 2002) is Kappa Sigma’s leader and...
On March 26, 2013, Thomas P. Bishop, Past Worthy Grand Master and 2013 Nominating Committee Chairman, announced that the 2013 Nominating Committee has recommended the following slate to the 69th Biennial Grand Conclave: Worthy Grand Master – Hugh M. Robert...
Dear Brothers, Kappa Sigma continues to enjoy historic successes in all areas. Represented by more than 17,000 men on more than 310 college campuses, Kappa Sigma is the largest Fraternity in the world. Our undergraduates continue to dominate in intramurals and...
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