Kappa Sigma proudly welcomed Tau-Alpha to the roll of chapters at the State University of New York-Geneseo on Saturday, April 19, 2014. Tau-Alpha is the 387th chapter to be chartered by Kappa Sigma and is located in Geneseo, N.Y. Ritual teams from the Epsilon-Rho (Kent State), Gamma-Upsilon (Rutgers), Omicron-Epsilon (Adelphi University) and Pi-Phi (Brooklyn College) chapters initiated 57 men.
Worthy Grand Treasurer Adam S. Apatoff (Epsilon-Beta, University of Miami, ’90) keynoted the installation banquet. The chapter is led by GM John E. Otruba with Brother James J. Gaffney, Jr., (Kappa-Lambda, Shippensburg University, ’07) serving as alumnus advisor, and Brother Brett J. Warrick (Alpha-Kappa, Cornell, ’98) serving as District Grand Master for the Upstate New York & Ontario district.
Letters of congratulations may be sent to:
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Tau-Alpha Chapter
John Emery Otruba
Grand Master
1 College Cir, Macvittie 2877
Geneseo, NY 14454