Kappa Sigma proudly welcomed 60 Brothers to the Order with the installation of the Tau-Epsilon Chapter in Spokane, Wash., on October 11, 2014, making it the 391st chapter in the Fraternity’s history. The chapter was colonized on December 11, 2013, completing the steps for chartering in less than a year. The following chapters sent ritual teams to install Kappa Sigma’s newest chapter:

  • Delta-Lambda, Montana State University
  • Delta-Omicron, University of Montana
  • Gamma-Theta, University of Idaho
  • Gamma-Mu, Washington State University
  • Rho-Mu, Central Washington University

The chapter is led by Grand Master Justin R. Rasmussen and is located in the Great Northwest District where Brother Darrel Kilgore (Gamma-Theta, University of Idaho, ’87) serves as District Grand Master. Worthy Grand Procurator Derek L. Marchman delivered the keynote address at the chapter’s installation banquet that included family and friends of the Brothers of Tau-Epsilon.