The Theta-Xi Chapter at Trine University dominated deferred recruitment on their campus! The Chapter has 26 new pledges, a 116% increase over last spring and the largest pledge class for the Chapter since the inception of Champion Quest.
“Our campus currently has a deferred recruitment. This has presented itself as a challenge in past years, but we decided to turn this disadvantage into an advantage. Since we have to wait to pledge freshmen we were able to form stronger relationships with quite a few of them before the pledging process began. As a chapter, we created the right mentality and it started at rush everyone, pin the majority, and initiate the best. 
A motto we stress is finding your replacement, this creates the drive for not only our underclassmen to rush but also our upperclassmen. At the end of the day, these are our leaders and the voice of our brotherhood. They’ve been here multiple years and rush guests really enjoy hearing their stories and see them as role models. 
This semester we pinned 26 guys which is the largest in as many years as we can remember. Our chapter expects nothing, but greatness and we are willing to put in the work to get there. This is why we are Kappa Sigma’s and the champions of our campus.”
– Jonathan Anderson, Theta-Xi Rush Chairman
Want your chapter to be featured? Send your successes and rush event photos to [email protected], and follow and tag the HQ accounts on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook.
A results-driven recruitment initiative, Champion Quest provides training and motivation to dramatically increase the number of quality men added to the membership rolls of Kappa Sigma each year.