About Us

Kappa Sigma is the largest college social fraternity in the world with more than 200,000 living members, including over 17,000 undergraduates and more than 300 chapters and colonies located throughout the United States and Canada. Founded in 1869 at the University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma International Headquarters is based in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Our Values

Kappa Sigma is focused upon the Four Pillars of Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. As a values-based men’s fraternity, Kappa Sigma strictly forbids hazing and fosters meaningful college experiences by offering progressive membership development and pledge education.


Want to get more from your college experience? Kappa Sigma makes it happen. Joining Kappa Sigma provides opportunities for fellowship, fun, and personal growth that you simply can’t get elsewhere. Over 280,000 men have joined and enjoyed the unmatched experiences, involvement, and lifelong brotherhood that Kappa Sigma offers. There is no secret…our goal is to build better men.


Take the lead. In Kappa Sigma, brothers learn to get involved in their communities and take the lead when something needs to be done. Countless brothers, including senators, governors and CEOs, have said Kappa Sigma gave them the leadership skills they needed to succeed.


You’re in college for an education. From its earliest beginnings in Renaissance Italy, Kappa Sigma has promoted scholarships among its members. Since its inception, over $4.5 million in scholarships have been awarded by the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund to brothers who excel in academics, campus involvement, and leadership. At the chapter level, brothers help you learn about the campus, provide advice on professors and classes, and help you study for those important assignments.


Helping others is part of being a Kappa Sigma. Brothers spend thousands of hours working in their communities and raise thousands of dollars for worthy causes each year. From organizing park clean-ups to serving as Big Brothers to organizing charity rock concerts, Kappa Sigmas work hard for their causes. College is fun, but only service gives you the great feeling of knowing you’ve helped someone and made a difference.

Our Outreach

The Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund awards Scholarship-Leadership Awards each year to qualified undergraduate members who excel in the classroom, on campus, in the community, and within the Fraternity. These brothers represent the best and brightest of Kappa Sigma. Since 1948, the Endowment Fund has awarded nearly $5 million to thousands of deserving brothers.

Our Mission

The Fraternity should complement and enhance the educational mission of the host institution.
The Fraternity is committed to fostering a close cooperative partnership with all colleges and universities where its chapters exist. The Fraternity should promote academic achievement and assist each member to achieve his academic potential. By helping members adjust to the college environment, we can help them pursue their degree goals. Co-curricular activities can be as valuable as the classroom experience; hence, the Fraternity should promote involvement in all aspects of campus life.

The Fraternity should promote the ideal of Brotherhood.
The creation of lifelong friendships is a primary benefit of Fraternity membership. The Fraternity fulfills the need of students to belong to an extended family and frequently provides the opportunity to enhance those personal relationships through group living situations. As Brothers, our members have an obligation to have a caring concern for the welfare of our members. Brotherhood is a lifetime commitment; therefore, we should encourage strong alumni-undergraduate relationships for the mutual benefit of the students and the alumni.

The Fraternity should actively contribute to the personal growth and development of its members.
We teach young men social skills that will benefit them throughout their lifetime. The multitude of leadership opportunities available through the Fraternity prepares members for success in their chosen careers. Chapters should organize well-rounded programs and strive for excellence and quality in all undertakings.

The Fraternity should promote ethical behavior and decision-making.
The lessons taught from Fraternity ritual should be incorporated into the daily lives of the members. Kappa Sigmas are expected to act as gentlemen at all times, and the Fraternity must demand the highest standards of personal conduct. The Fraternity should instill a sense of responsibility and integrity. The dignity of all persons shall always be respected.

The Fraternity should encourage service to others.
Members, individually and collectively, should work toward the betterment of their campus and community… and in so doing contribute to the betterment of themselves.